Spring on Terschelling

Spring on Terschelling

Spring on Terschelling

Spring is setting in on the island.

From the villages to the dunes, you see many blossoms, trees in bloom. The trees that are normally do not stand out so much are now in bloom. Apple blossom, rose hips, scents and colours make the island so special in spring.

Can you distinguish all the colours on the island? Yellow of the gorse, white of the apple blossom pink from the rose hips

Spring on Terschelling

Spring on Terschelling
» the green beach

The green beach turns different colours and many birds can be found. The different birds scurry around looking for everything edible.

Spring on Terschelling

Spring on Terschelling
» on the Wadden dyke

The Wadden dike is yellow with buttercups and dandelions.

Spring on Terschelling

Spring on Terschelling
» The Boschplaat

Between 15 March and 15 August, large parts of Boschplaat are closed to people, the plate is used by migratory birds as a way station.
Boschplaat consists of dune ridges, sandbanks, gullies, bare mudflats, ruggedness and vast salt marshes Not only is the plate a place for many birds, the area is also home to around 400 different plant species occur in the area.

Spring on Terschelling

Spring on Terschelling
» in the Kroonpolders

Just as on Vlieland in spring, the Kroonpolders were created This polder is beautifully in bloom in spring with various species of orchids. are currently currently in bloom Besides orchids, you can also find the cranberry in this area, which can be picked from September to november.

Going to Terschelling in spring? Then book a vakantieverblijf in het voorjaar.

Spring on Terschelling
100 accommodations found
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de Blinkerd-Oost, Spring on Terschelling
de Blinkerd-West, Spring on Terschelling

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